One day in a voice call, me and some friends were joking about making a game for the “Postal 2023 Game Jam”. I took an old game engine I had, used in “Feelin’ Orange” and some sprites from “Kamp Dude’s air quest” and made a small test engine with the intent of making a proof of concept for a 2d shooter game about the Postal Dude. Without having a theme, or story, we needed to think of a plot for the game, so we tried thinking of a catchy title. We wanted to do something with a winter or christmas theme, as the game would be finished around that time, and someone suggested “POSTAL: DUDE STEALS SANTA”. From there we planned out how the dude would “Steal Santa”. In the first drafts of the game, we had the plot be about the dude stealing and kidnapping a mall santa, but we didn’t know how to end it. We decided, well shit lets just make it about the ACTUAL santa!

A test of a cut "Peeing" Mechanic that we where going to add into the game

So from there, we began to create the first builds of the game, at some point, most of the sprites of the players and weapons were remastered by Ducktober, and music was also created for the project by him. From there, the project was worked on almost every day until the submission date. But then, I had to go into surgery to remove my second butthole (Seriously) and I was hooked up to a pouch sucking me of blood. Originally we were going to publish the game in it’s 0.9 state because we still needed time to program the final boss, due to my surgery slowing down production, but the deadline date got pushed near the final hours. We managed to be one of the first to submit our game, and we slowly updated it with bug fixes until the final hour.

Beta designs of some of the characters in the Airport

Unfortunately, the project did not take place, and it remains one of 3 Postal Jams from 2023 to have zero recognition from RWS. While unfortunate, this game was the true beginning of the ExplosiveClownNose team, and it will forever be in our hearts as a really fun and small experience we poured our hearts into. Below are some of the images made during the production of the game

Beta design of "Chump the Dog" (BY DUCKTOBER)

Beta design of "Santa" (BY DUCKTOBER)

A weird glitch that happened early into development which spawned tons of dogs

A high rez image of the weird 3d doughtnut in the game (The person who made this did not want to associate with the project)

Concept art of YelloFrog (BY DUCKTOBER)

Concept art of RedFrog (BY DUCKTOBER)

Beta Satrick with arms!!?!?!? (BY DUCKTOBER)

Weird Satrick Images?!?! (BY DUCKTOBER)

Concept art (BY ExplosiveClownNose(Joey))


Concept art (BY BullRuster)
