TIRED OF GAMING??Click here to return to the index!

FEATURED GAMES: Click on these to go to their respective zones!

KAMP DUDE: Before Satrick Stole Santa, Kamp Dude was there! Not the same Dude but another mini-postal game that was a direct basis for "POSTAL: Dude Steals Santa". Originally made for a short lived competition, relive the classic mini-adventure and cartoon in the Laser Snake Wastelands!

WEIRD GAMES: Games that are short, strange, and weird! Lots of games made from game jams, classes, or out of bordem!

Feelin' Blue Fan Games: Other "Feelin" games, based on the platformer series "Feelin' Blue" by Veryskinnybug101 Play Feelin' Blue here!

Why are you all the damn way down here dude.... nothing here...... how about you go back to the start!Click me Buddy!